Benefits: Life Skills

Benefits: Life Skills

What do you gain

from training

with the Human EngineerⓇ?

What Makes Us Different?

You will learn how to become a whole person and a competent leader.
Master Lee teaches insight and numerous life skills:

1. Learn How to Learn (video blog)

Please refer “Getting Excellent School Grades” post

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2. Discipline

a. Role of “Omission” – How this relate with discipline
b. What is discipline?
c. How to do it?

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6. Goal Setting Skills

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7. Leadership Qualities

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11. What is “good” and how to be good?

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12. Working with current educational problems at Joonbi

a. Education system has failed! Why?
b. “Schooling” verse “Educating”
c. Learn how to learn

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13. Mistake management

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14. Attitude

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